Saturday, October 8, 2011


Hi everyone, I want write about what we are looking for. The information here is designed to help you make informed choice about your health. This blog is meant to increase your knowledge of human sexuality. We inspire and support people to improve their lives and the world around them.

So you want a better sex life. We believe that an active and healthy sex life, based on mutual consent and respect between partners, is an important component of physical and mental well-being. Because everyone is different, a physician must diagnose conditions and supervise the treatment of individual health and sexuality problem.
Perhaps you’re not getting any sex, or you’re not getting as much as you want, or you’re just plain dissatisfied with the sex you are getting.
I  found that most sex droughts originate from three basic problem:
-       Not meeting enough women.
-       Meeting women but not getting anywhere with them
-       Meeting women and marrying her, than wondering what the hell happened to all the sex.
Why you aren’t meeting any women
You’re educated. You make a respectable income. Yet, for some reason, the closest you get to penetration is plugging in your electric shaver. There may be one very simple reason women aren’t swarming over you: You don’t know  any. Here’s why :
-   You spend more time on your job than on your got -----> When it comes to attracting women, wealth will not always compensate for a fat belly. Women-possibly without even realizing it-see a pudgy guy and assume he would produce lousy offspring. ( Spend less time at work and more in the gym).
-  You spend more time on your gut than on your personality -----> Women always pick personality first, physical attractiveness came in second and money third-for most, that is.
-   You’re wasting time hanging out -----> But sooner or later you have to ask yourself why you keep putting yourself in no-win situation. Rather than go out with friends haphazardly, treat your social life like business. Be shrewd. If you want to make contact with women who might  share your interests, go to places for more than the sheer number of women there.
-   You don’t do any PR ------> The people who are most successful in romance are those who ask their friends’ wives if they know any available women. The wife, more so than yours, tends to be better at finding suit-able women. Because she generally knows more women. And if you ask her to act your behalf, she’ll feel obligated to make the effort.
-   You don’t bother dating anyone -------> You may be holding out  for miss perfect, so you don’t give the time of day to miss above average.
-   You are aloof -------> Most women think it’s easy for us to walk right up, introduce ourselves, say something witty and win them over. The fact is, most men have a hard time putting themselves on the line like that. Women expect us to be social animals, they assume we are stuck up if we hang back, when all we are is shy. Ignore the fact that you’re attracted to her. The moment you forget you’re talking to a woman with the notion of bedding her is the same moment the pressure is off and you can talk to her as you would talk to anyone else, meaning without staring at her breast.
-   You stare at her breasts ------> STOP THAT.
-   You don’t eat enough ---------> So on your next date, preserve your appetite by not snacking before the event, then order soup and salad, as well as the entrĂ©e. Just leave the food on her plate alone. Gluttony is no aphrodisiac.
-   You spend too much time shaking hands with the unemployed --------> If you want to meet more women, as a rule, keep your hands out of your pants. Masturbation is fine when you’re without a partner. But eventually it may make you less interested in seeking a romantic partnership. There is certain amount of testosterone driven desire that pushes us to seek out women, and masturbation damps that desire
-   You are pushover -------> Women respect men who risk disapproval, and they disdain pushovers.
-   You are lacking in the “P“ department -------> “P” as in “Passion”. To ignite her passion, you need some of your own.
Why You Can not Seduce the Women You Meet
You may not understand morse code, but you can read the message she’s sending out. Winking. Laughing. Touching your  arm.
Maybe you committed one of these common dating mistakes.
-   You go from FLIRTATIOUS to salacious ------> She sent you the signal, and you not responded. There’s a fine line between sexy talk and coarse language, but when you cross it, you kill any chance you had. You should follow her lead when you flirt, and lay off the offensive stuff.
-   You play all your cards.
-   You tell her about your last failed relationship.
-   You show off your expertise.
-   You like to rock out on the ride home.
-   You are a condom – resister.

You Got The Girl, But still No SEX
What  happened ? Could be one of the following reasons.
-   You are sleeping with your boss -----> If you’re hassled on the job, you’ll no doubt come home feeling beat. And inevitably this exhaustion makes sex less desirable and you a less able performer. When you get home, disconnect yourself from the work mode with a series of rituals.
-   You are always sleeping in the same bed -------> You never realize how much sex is influenced by life’s distractions until you have vacation sex. It’s an automatic aphrodisiac. Being somewhere new elevates the excitement level.
-   You’ve been reading too many sex manuals.
-   You think sex should always be spontaneous.
-   She puts on her nightie, then argues about medicare.
-   You don’t engage in after play -------> Afterplay is the opposite of foreplay, or what you should do right after sex. After sex, you can make her feel good by telling her what you enjoyed. It makes her all the more willing to do it again.
-   You haven’t cleaned the gutters in, like, three months -------> Even in marriage you need to pay a price for sex. If you’re not making her happy, why should she make you happy. If she’s giving you the cold shoulder at night, you might consider that : 1. You aren’t keeping up your end of the housework, 2. You’re not keeping up your end of the parental responsibilities, or 3. You aren’t keeping up with the latest advances in hygiene. 

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